A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

You play as a little blue square that was living happily with his pet worm when one day,  the worm disappears! You thus set out to find him, and realize that an eternal has started. Luckily you have the power to turn your internal body heat into fire, you can now use that to save the world and destroy the ice blobs! But watch out not to get too cold or you might not make it to your worm!

Permafrost Tilter is a small platformer based on avoiding the cold and trying to stay warm. There are 8 main levels where you can go through the main story and 3 bonus levels where you can have fun trying out the different game mechanics.


Created by Cédric Hölzl & Amelia Dobis

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date May 06, 2020
GenrePlatformer, Adventure
Tags2D, Magic, Singleplayer, Sprites
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksSource code


PermafrostTilter.zip 1 MB

Install instructions

No real installation required, simply download the .zip archive and execute the jar file inside the unzipped folder. Do not move the files (res folder must be in the same directory as the jar file).

Java >= 1.8 is required.

Development log


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Cool Game! would love to try it out and see if I can edit it for the procedural generated levels aspect!

(3 edits)

Sure! It’s under GPLv3 so you can fork it and make a PR whenever! I haven’t worked on it since early 2017 but I would love it if you contributed! If you have any questions about the code or anything I can do my best to answer!

For the procedural part, I cleaned up the code a bit not too long ago, but the version I had started implementing was procedural terrain with 2d Perlin Noise, but the result wasn’t very interesting. Maybe you can try to push off from there?


oh okay I will try working from there then! Sadly my life is a roller coaster so I will have to wait until things cool down before I can start editing the game.